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Music is the beating heart of TGS! Music is a lively subject where all students are encouraged to perform and compose as well as to listen and analyse music. The TGS music department is a place for sharing and collaborating in practical group tasks, performing solos and coming up with new ideas. The facilities are outstanding with sound-proof rooms, a recording studio and a recital room as well as practice rooms and classrooms. From year 7 to year 13 music offers all students the chance to develop and demonstrate their skills and creativity. Universities always like students who play or sing as it shows commitment and is great for communication skills!

Course content

Years 7-9

Concepts such as identity, communication and change are used to explore diverse styles from the Blues to Pop and Classical to Musical Theatre. Students are encouraged to share their own musical experience by performing with their peers in the classroom and the extra-curricular groups that run each day. Music technology is also important at TGS with a suite of Mac computers for composition work. Singing and group-work are key features of the TGS music classroom.

Years 10 & 11 (GCSE)

GCSE Music develops students’ study of music as performers, composers and analytical listeners. Eight set-works from four areas of study are examined in a wide variety of styles from Bach to Musical Theatre and Queen:

  • Instrumental music
  • Vocal music
  • Music for stage and screen
  • Fusions

Students work as soloists and in small groups for performance and produce recordings of both as coursework. Two compositions are also submitted in different styles showing students’ range and understanding. GCSE Music is suitable for anyone with an open, inquiring musical mind!

Co-curricular opportunities

Daily clubs provide opportunities for instrumentalists and singers of all ages and experiences. Groups include:

  • Senior and Chamber Orchestras
  • Swing and Jazz Band
  • Brass Ensemble
  • Ukulele Orchestra
  • Flute Group
  • Junior Choir
  • Cantores Choir
  • Senior Choir

In addition, there are:

  • Two major concerts at external venues each year for all the groups above
  • Tea concerts for all students to sign up to play solos and for groups and bands
  • Concert visits to London and other venues
  • A team of twenty private music staff who teach between them over 250 lessons per week. 

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