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Our profound thanks.

Behind each young person at TGS there is a far-reaching community whose ongoing and generous support ensures that each student has access to the best possible opportunities each and every day.Whether that support be in time, professional expertise and careers inspiration, gifts of money or simply by endorsing what is achieved together, we are deeply grateful to our parents and carers, alumni and members of the public for the vital role they play. Relying on the core government funding would mean that the holistic opportunities at Tonbridge Grammar School would simply not be possible. As Head Teacher since September 2022, I know I have joined a deeply committed and strong community. A positive and inclusive learning environment where students feel safe, valued, and supported.  My heartfelt responsibility is to build on this sense of belonging, fostering a love of lifetime learning. I know I will not manage this alone. Together we can!

Rebecca Crean,Head Teacher

Explore the buttons below to find out about the impact we make together and how you can support us.

Please get in touch with: Mrs Pippa Blackstone in the Development 01732 365125 x221

Giving to our Annual School Fund 

#An annual enrichment programme brings all students more opportunities every single day, the very things that make Tonbridge Grammar School the extra - vibrant and special community that it is.

The Annual Enrichment Programme, costing £100,000, for 23.24 is bringing:

A well stocked library and a school librarian; Mother-tongue language assistants for confidence in foreign languages conversation practice; an award from Japan Foundation for conversation practice and further cultural understanding; a school minibus; more sport; more arts; more STEAM; more music; careers advice; clubs and societies including debating; community outreach; a speaker series.

Giving tax efficiently boosts a gift of £100 by £25. Payroll giving schemes often offer gift matching. Other tax giving schemes offer personal tax reliefs. 

Sharing Voluntary Expertise and Time

#Volunteering your time and professional experiences combine to raise the aspirations of our young people in a highly personal and relevant way. Both are invaluable. 

  • Professional expertise inspires post school pathways 
  • Referrals to other useful resources
  • Volunteering alongside our vibrant PTA 
  • Shop and raise extra funds 




Inspiring Facilities Development

#Keeping our facilities at the forefront of educational aspiration and delivery.

Looking back ....

The Hands Building (2008), The IBarn (2015), Music upgrade (2016), Outdoor Sport (2018). Boilers, solar panels, window replacements, security gates, access stairs to Mitchener Hall, STEM Environmental and Meadow (2021), Wellbeing Hub (2021), Fitness Suite (2021). 

A 15 year multi-phase site masterplan was completed in 2018. The final phase achieved a longstanding ambition to provide modern outdoor sport facilities. Instead of a sloping grass ‘field’ students can now access on-site PE and co-curricular outdoors activities on a floodlit all weather pitch, a 100m sprint track, cricket nets, tennis nets, netball shooting posts, and grass training spaces. 

Looking forward ....

In Autumn 2022, a School Development Group was formed with a terms of reference to draw up a short medium and longer term campus development plan to meet and reflect the changing needs of education and environmental targets. 

In April 2023 specialist architects Bond Bryan Architects Ltd were appointed to work with us to lead our preliminary stakeholder consultations.  

In November 2023 architects HMY were appointed to produce a ten year development plan. Whilst investigating all possible external funding streams, our own fundraising plays an important role in enabling us to realise our ambitions. The School is extremely grateful for a gift of £20,000 received in December from an anonymous donor.

Widening Access through Bursaries

At TGS every  student is supported to achieve the best that they can, and we strongly believe that no student should be excluded from any aspect of the education and activities that we offer.  

Bursary fundraising provides both discretionary financial assistance, and extends the financial support for students eligible under the government led pupil premium and 16 - 19 schemes. We can support students who would otherwise be excluded from activities due to their personal financial circumstances.  

There is a detailed package of support. It starts with students in primary schools years 4 and 5 right through to leaving school. 

Tonbridge Grammar School is able to offer additional financial assistance thanks to generous donations including benefactors the Coan Family and Miss Joy Debney former staff and the Debney Endowment Trust set up in her name. 

Please contact Pippa Blackstone if you’d like to further discuss how gifting a bursary could make a difference. 


Legacies to Advance Learning 

#Legacies to advance teaching and learning for generations to come  

Our legacy programme is named after our benefactor legator Miss Joy Debney, teacher of History and school archivist, who was associated with Tonbridge Grammar School for many years.  

Her devotion to the School and students is remembered in many aspects of school life, including Debney House.  On the anniversary of her birthday in March we express our thanks for Joy’s Legacy and the legators who follow her commitment.  

The School is incredibly grateful for the bequests received over the years, which have enhanced school life. Joy Debney’s legacy has created an endowment for bursaries, The Debney Endowment Trust, and is providing essential funds for developing the school campus. 

We hope that you will consider leaving a legacy to Tonbridge Grammar School as a fitting testament to the value you place in the transformative power of education.  We recognise that giving in this way is very personal and encourage you to contact Pippa Blackstone to talk through the particular area of school life where you’d like your legacy to make a difference. 


Business Sponsors 

#Event Sponsors. #Co-curricular Sponsors 

Tonbridge Grammar School (TGS) seeks mutually beneficial, working relationships with businesses and service providers whose vision and aims are in line with those of the School. The partnerships we build through sponsorship are highly valued. 

The sponsorship income pays for enrichment opportunities and activities to enrich and extend the educational experience of all students. For a business, sponsoring TGS offers the opportunity to increase your business brand awareness within our school community comprising students/potential students, alumni and their families and service providers. Working together may also assist you to meet your CSR objectives and establish your business in the wider community.  

With thanks to our Event Sponsors 24.25

MxM Communications | Bond Bryan Architects | Alex Day

HMY Architects

Apply to Sponsor Events. Contact:












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