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Year 12 DT students learn about batch production

Over the past few lessons, Year 12 Design Technology students have been trialling one of the new Year 9 design challenges 'Sustainable Storage', by making tote bags in a batch production team.

The challenge focuses on replacing single use plastic bags by acting sustainably using recycled and donated fabrics from interior designers.  Students learnt about commercial and batch production – topics that are part of the IB DT syllabus.

The most important takeaway from the project was realising that it is much more efficient to work as a production line where each person gained skills in a limited number of jobs - as opposed to everybody having to do every job - the former is, of course, how it is done in industry.

Overall, we all really enjoyed this project, and ended up with superbly made, quality controlled, final products, all manufactured in our chosen fabrics!

Evie, Year 12

I am very proud of how the students learnt to work so well together, were creative, and understood that quality assurance and control is vital!

mrs ryde, teacher of design and Technology

Tagged  Sixth Form  Main School 