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Introducing our new Head Students

A warm welcome and congratulations to our new Head Students, Matilda and Adam (Y12).  We asked them what they were looking forward to most in their new roles:

I’m incredibly excited for the opportunity to join the Student Leadership Team and to give back to a community that has had such a lasting impact on me. I can’t wait to get involved, to improve knowledge sharing, and to celebrate our many and varied achievements throughout the year. I promise to give my best to everything and work hard to ensure TGS remains an environment in which every student can thrive. I know it’s going to be a great year!


I’m super excited to be a Head Student here for 2024 at TGS. One of my favourite things about the school is its positive and welcoming atmosphere, and as a Head Student my single, overall goal is to keep Tonbridge Grammar School a place of happiness, excitement and enthusiasm. The School's vision is to ensure the delivery of social, emotional and academic wellbeing, and all three types will be of equal priority to me. Wellbeing of all year groups should be of equal priority too; it's easy to focus our attention towards a certain year group because of exams or being new to the School, but the wellbeing of all students is equally important regardless. As a Head Student, I'm looking to be strategic about student wellbeing. Every individual in each year group has different successes, struggles, strengths and weaknesses. We need to cater for this, and make clear, realistic and measurable goals for building social, emotional and academic confidence in the School.


We are now in the process of appointing new Sixth Form House Leaders and Subject Ambassadors.

Thank you


We thank the outgoing team who have delivered some fantastic work over the last year and we would like to thank them for their service to our school community.

They have been hardworking, committed and dynamic in the work that they have carried out.

We asked them to reflect on their experiences: 



What are you most proud of achieving in your role as Head Student this year? 
Being Head Student has opened so many opportunities for us, and helped us grow in confidence. What I am most proud of is how we have been able to work as a team - each supporting each other when we have our own plans for the school. I am also very proud of our success in public speaking, at open events for year 11s and year 6s. And personally, I was super happy with the success of the clothes swap, having raised around £250 for a local charity called RefugEase. Holly

What have you enjoyed most about your role this year?
As a Head Student this year, I have most enjoyed having the opportunity to connect with younger students from across the school. I remember when I was younger I would really look up to particular older students, like the head students, who I recognised around school, so to have younger students see me as someone they can trust and ask me for advice on revision techniques, post-16 options and making a difference both within and outside of the school community, has made me feel really proud and connected to the rest of the school. Elodie

How do you think your role has prepared you for your post-TGS journey?
As Head Student, I have had the opportunity to organise events, speak in assemblies and open days, work together as a team with fellow student leaders, and communicate with a wide range of people, from students of all year groups to teachers and parents. These opportunities have allowed me to practice crucial life skills such as organisation, time management, communication, teamwork, and leadership. These life skills are essential in any environment, and having practised these skills already prepares me for a wide range of situations I may encounter after TGS. Josh

What were the things you told prospective students about the TGS Sixth Form most at the Open Event? 
The TGS Sixth Form provides a welcoming community where people both have a passion for learning and a readiness to get involved in new things. It is a Sixth Form where you are able to develop into an intelligent and thoughtful young adult and form strong bonds between other students and the teachers. Ellen

What advice would you give to the incoming Student Leadership Team? 
I would tell them about the responsibility that came with the role and how they can truly make a difference within the school community, implement the ideas they set out to achieve and strive for constant improvement as they have been given a platform for change which can benefit everyone at TGS. Tom

Miss Duncan, Director of Sixth Form

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