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Sixth Form students enjoy Physics in Action Lectures

The Physics in Action talks were a very informative series of lectures, some covering areas we had touched on in GCSE such as fusion, but taking our base knowledge and expanding upon it, allowing us to explore the topics of the lectures from a super-curricular perspective that can be read up on later.

My favourite lecture was exploring how we can live a carbon-neutral life within our own homes, but from all lectures, such as Anna Ploszajski's the 'Accidental Materials Scientist' there were valuable life lessons to be extrapolated.

I really enjoyed the day, and whilst I may not go into researching exoplanets degree of live-ability, or working MRI scanning machines, the day enabled me to see Physics from a different angle, or 'in action'!

Erica, Year 12

Despite the train strikes scuppering our plans to listen to these lectures in London, we were pleased to have them streamed to us in the IBarn so we could put all our Physics into real life scenarios and grow our understanding.
