As we come to the end of another term at TGS, you will see that we have been as busy as ever in the following round up articles. We have had the pleasure of several guest speakers linked to International Women's Day and World Book Day amongst other key events.
Having these visitors to the school not only enriches the experience of the students and inspires them, but also gives them the opportunity to make links and explore options for their own career journeys.
Careers has been a focus this term, with many opportunities to learn about a range of options for the future, including at our annual Careers Fair. Thank you to the many parents who volunteered, we are very grateful for your time and for sharing your expertise with our students as well as a number of students from our WKSATA link schools.
The students have been engaged in many extra curricular activities including debating, drama, music and a very wide variety of sports activities. We love hearing about the achievements of the students outside school and continue to invite you to share these with us so that we can recognise our talented student body in our news items and in assemblies and form time.
As many schools are at this time of year, we have been recruiting for new staff and new opportunities in the school. We will update you on staff leaving and joining us once the process is complete. We are very lucky to have such a desirable school and we have been fortunate to be able to fill the positions advertised to date.
Next term we start the summer exam season and I know that students will be working hard over the coming break to revise in preparation for the exams. Please ensure that students follow the advice they have been given about revision strategies and are taking regular breaks to ensure they do not overload themselves. They have also been signposted to where to find support if they need it, should things get overwhelming for them. Please ensure they are asking for help if they need it.
Finally, on a personal note, I am happy to say that I am recovering well from my ankle injury and I am back in school as much as I can be. Thank you for your very kind messages and for your understanding as I have been working remotely. I have been very grateful to be back on my feet and back in school recently.
To those who will be celebrating I would like to wish you a Happy Eid (or Eid Mubarak) and a Happy Easter. I hope you all have a lovely break.
Best wishes,
Mrs Crean
This term we come to the end of the netball and hockey coaching sessions that have been ongoing since September. We will be offering cricket coaching after school in Terms 5 and 6. We also look forward to tournaments and fixtures in the summer term for cricket, rounders, athletics and tennis.
By the end of this term students will have competed in the winter interhouse competition. Students in year 7, 8 and 9 will choose to compete in either netball, football, rugby or hockey and will be able to win points for their house.
 | 05 Mar 2024 Congratulations to the team who competed in the BSGA Acro Gymnastics Competition. |
 | 30 Jan 2024 On 28 January, the U19 Elite Gymnastics team travelled to Aberdour School to compete in the BSGA Floor and Vault Competition. |
 | 25 Jan 2024 On 22 January the PE department presented their annual Gym and Dance Display. The display consisted of gymnastics interhouse routines, elite gymnastics and dance routines. | |
Marvellous Meadows Project
Winter is a quiet time on the meadow but we have completed some manual clearance of invasive brambles around the scrape and field edges, together with redistributing plant waste from the composting frames. Our first frog was spotted during clearance work in February but as yet the scrape remains free of spawn.
Bird surveys have been continuing around the school grounds and meadows site and include an exciting visit by waxwings- a very charismatic winter visitor from Scandinavia. The Meadows Team are looking forward to the start of plant and insect surveys after Easter and the new partnership between Marvellous Meadows and Marden Wildlife (see story below).
 | 13 Mar 2024 Marden Farmer Cluster involves a collective of 26 farmers, all of whom are working together with Marden Wildlife, Kent Wildlife Trust and Natural England to improve biodiversity in the Low Weald. With the active participation of bodies such as the BTO and Natural England, they are developi... | |
School Development and Engagement
Annual Enrichment Programme
Every student is benefiting from a wide array of opportunities and activities this year, as can be seen via our school news channels.
Profound thanks to community giving to The Enrichment Programme fundraising over many years.

It is not too late to make a gift. Our fundraising this year will shape the Enrichment Programme 24.25.
Sponsorship and Business Partnerships
The Development Office works to build mutually beneficial, highly valued, business partnerships through sponsorship.
This income pays for enrichment opportunities and activities to extend the educational experience of all students.
Our thanks to:

Finding Futures Careers Evening
The annual Finding Futures Careers Evening buzzed with conversations between over 200 students and 50 volunteers, including 9 TGS alumni from over 20 sectors (see news story below).
Whilst students from TGS and invited Sixth Formers from other schools were in the IBarn building, talks in the Mitchener Hall gave parents and carers an insight to the careers programme at TGS and Pathways CTM talked about the apprentice route.
With thanks to our volunteers for their expertise and time, and to our Event Sponsors and our Enrichment Fundraising. Thank you also to the TGS Team: Director of Development and Alumni Relations Mrs Blackstone, Careers Coordinator Mrs Wheeler and Higher Education Coordinator Miss Parker.

School Birthday reunion Saturday 27 January 2024
It was wonderful to welcome back former TGS students to School for the Annual School Birthday Reunion.
Alumni and student hosts explored every inch of the School and even found a newspaper extra from 1962!

We are planning a calendar of events to celebrate the School’s 120 years in 2024-2025. Do please get in touch to suggest how we can mark such an important milestone.
Family Visiting Afternoons
In late January, Mrs Crean hosted a third Family Visiting Afternoon. These events have been popular with over 300 parents and grandparents visiting and over 250 students, from years 7 to 12.
Look out for more dates in the Autumn.
Our thanks to Alumni, Parents and Carers who serve as a priceless source of inspiration for our students.
Talks, workshops, practice interviews, visits and work experience, and chats at social events provide invaluable real-world perspectives, empowering the students and helping them reach their own decisions about their post-school pathways, and ultimately inspiring them to pursue their goals with confidence and determination.
Events generously hosted by alumni have included:
- Daisy popped in to talk with students about her Spanish degree and work as an Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Manager (see story below).
- Hope (Class of 2023) shared her first days as a graduate apprentice at PWC with students.
- Class of 2023 came back to school to catch up and tell us about their first weeks after leaving school (see story below).
- Extended Essay: A Philosophical discussion with Alice (Class of 2008).
- Inspiring Careers in the Law with Lucy (Class of 2019).
- A 'Coffee and Law’ chat in Tunbridge Wells with Sophie (Class of 2016).
- US University and Law with Anita, online from New York (Class of 2017).
- US university and Psychology with Daisy (Class of 2020), online from Richmond.
- Veterinary studies with Anna (Class of 2019).
- Nursing with Ellie (Class of 2013).
 | 26 Mar 2024 Our annual Finding Futures Careers Evening buzzed with conversations and discoveries between over 200 students and 50 volunteers from over 20 sectors. | |
 | 02 Jan 2024 It was wonderful to welcome the IB Class of 2023 back to TGS and the IBarn was alive with conversation as staff learnt more about their first few post TGS months. | |
 | 18 Jan 2024 It was wonderful to welcome Daisy, who took her IB Diploma five years ago, back to TGS. On leaving TGS, Daisy studied Spanish at the University of Exeter and is now working as an Equity Diversity and Inclusion Coordinator. | |
Our thanks to the PTA for a wonderful and varied calendar of social events for parents and teachers.
Students have enjoyed today's Easter cupcake competition and sale, the perfect way to end the term!

We thank the PTA, too, for their fundraising to support the light upgrades in the Mitchener Hall.
This year got off to a good start in STEM with our newly elected subject ambassadors launching a brand new Year 12-led research project on Sustainable Use of AI in STEM subjects. Feeding into the school's AI working group, students have used qualitative research methods to design a questionnaire and sent it out to selected year groups. They will analyse the data gathered with an aim to writing a research paper and publishing it in the Young Scientists journal. The Year 12 STEM ambassadors are currently also working on a school-wide House based STEM competition, to be launched soon.
ECO-reps have also been elected in every form from Year 7 to 11 and are just about to have an induction in a project called the Schools' Good Life Charter, with the aim of 'helping everyone in the school community to live happier, more sustainable lives.' And several students across the school are in the process of completing their CREST awards, on diverse themes such as sustainable toothpaste and the effect of salt concentration on plant growth.
Meanwhile, in the curriculum, Year 9 have now completed their Microbiology STEM project and are using Maths, DT, Psychology and a whole host of transferable skills to explore what it would it be like to live on another planet - and therefore to think of how to make living on this one more sustainable. They will once again be planting sewing seeds and planting vegetables near the Meadows area and looking forward to sharing our produce with the school kitchens.
 | 13 Mar 2024 Year 12 students visited the Emmanuel Centre on 4 March for an intriguing ‘Physics in Action’ day. This consisted of 5 very informative and inspirational lectures related to the various careers available within the subject area: |
 | 20 Feb 2024 Congratulations to students who took part in this competition that challenges students with an interest in Biology to expand and extend their talents. |
 | 01 Feb 2024 We are excited to have officially launched AWS GetIT at TGS, a programme dedicated to inspiring girls into tech, where Year 8s and 9s have the opportunity to design and present an app idea of their choice in a team, and even get selected to win! |
 | 01 Feb 2024 On Thursday 25 January, 22 Sixth Formers participated in the Chemistry Olympiad. | |
The Spring Concert took place on 27 March at Tonbridge School Chapel. Junior Choir, Cantores and Chamber Choir all sounded beautiful in the lovely rich acoustic there.
The TGS Jazz Band and Year 7 singers gave an atmospheric and lively rendition of Africa by Toto TGS and GCSE musicians raised the roof in the Samba Band performance.
Prior to the music trip to Italy in July the Junior and Chamber Orchestras played Italian music by Vivaldi and Rossini and the concert came to a rousing climax with Adiemus by Karl Jenkins with all the choirs and orchestra combining to make a hundred and eighty performers raising the roof! A big well done to all those who took part.
 | 27 Feb 2024 On a rainy Wednesday, 78 year 10, 11 and 12 GCSE and IB Music students travelled to the Barbican Centre in London to watch the London Symphony Orchestra perform Holst's The Planets. | |
Year 12 students have been engaged in gathering data and writing up their Internal Assessment (IA) psychological experiments, showcasing their dedication to scholarly inquiry. Year 13 students have been preparing for their mock exams, refining their understanding and exam techniques.
The Psychology Subject Ambassadors have teamed up with the STEM club to explore the impacts of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on education.
Medsoc have enjoyed a varied programme of meetings this term, including visits from a number of external speakers. Recent sessions have included:
TGS Debating has gone from strength to strength this term. After a busy year of debating, students have qualified for the Finals Days of both the Oxford and Cambridge competitions and the Regional Finals of the Churchill Public Speaking and Mace Debating competitions. Students from across Year 10-13 have taken up debating for the first time and achieved great successes.
 | 26 Mar 2024 On Wednesday 20 March, the TGS Public Speaking Team travelled to The King’s School in Canterbury for the South-East Regional Final of the ESU Churchill Public Speaking Competition. TGS did incredibly well to make it through to this round, as we were one of the final six schools from... |
 | 19 Mar 2024 TGS Debaters made up two out of the four teams sent to represent the South East at the prestigious University of Cambridge Schools Debating Competition. |
 | 29 Feb 2024 On Wednesday 31 January, Oreva, Tiana, Amelie, Erin and Vaidehi (Y11) participated in the 2nd round of the ESU Mace Debating competition. Each debate consists of a proposition and opposition, each with two speakers (with 7 minute speeches) and a summary speaker (who also responds to floor questions... |
 | 07 Feb 2024 On 5 February, TGS was delighted to host the second round of the ESU Public Speaking Competition. |
 | 06 Feb 2024 Tonbridge Grammar School's debating prowess has once again been demonstrated as its teams secured coveted positions in the finals of both the Oxford and Cambridge University schools debating tournaments. | |
Year 13 students have been working hard in completing their IA oral exams which have, so far, demonstrated the students' commitment to their languages and the cultural background to them. Next stop is the Year 11 oral exams, happening in April. The MFL team are also busy organising the language trips to Rouen and Seville for October 2024 - they will certainly be an exciting opportunity to witness real-life in both France and Spain; practise the languages and have a good time.

Year 12 have set up a UK Linguistics Olympiad Club and members recently archived three Bronze Awards in a competition and Year 11 Latin students enjoyed visiting the British Museum to learn more about Life in the Roman Army.
19 Mar 2024 At the beginning of March, Year 11 Latin students very much enjoyed an exclusive opportunity to visit the exhibition on Life in the Roman Army at the British Museum. | 27 Feb 2024 Holly, Isabella, Nayonika and Rabia each came up with a different creative response to Ovid's Metamorphoses from the categories of Performance, Artefact, Creative Writing and Animation, with Nayonika scoring second place out of the participating Year 7 students across the UK! |
 | 27 Mar 2024 Over the past few lessons, Year 12 Design Technology students have been trialling one of the new Year 9 design challenges 'Sustainable Storage', by making tote bags in a batch production team. | |
Well done to Ruby and Carys in Year 13 who re-launched and edited the TGS newspaper in 2023-4, and to the team of writers who have written a series of engaging articles.
Ruby and Carys explain more about the project:
Our aim with this newspaper is to champion the student voice, not only towards issues within the school community, but also in relation to global topics. We want to give students the freedom to write about what interests them, whether that be politics, music, sport, or anything else they are passionate about and want to share with others in a creative way. Anyone, of any age and experience of writing, is welcome and encouraged to get involved!
You can read articles from the second edition of the newspaper below:
12 Mar 2024
In history, there have been many people, certainly more than you would expect, who have come from Kent and have major achievements that have made their names significant all over the world. For example, Charles Dickens, author of the well-known book ‘A Christmas Carol’, lived in Gad'...
12 Mar 2024
“Once upon a time…” These words have implored stories across time and remain significant as an opening which transcends genre.
12 Mar 2024
‘The cost-of-living crisis,’ how many times have you heard this statement muttered by parents, teachers, even your friends? Or you may have said it yourself upon seeing your favourite drink increase in price? But do we truly know the full effect of these four words? Unfortunately, h...
12 Mar 2024
As a collective of predominantly female secondary school students, I am sure that we have all at one time or another been referred to as ‘women in STEM’. Whether it be in an assembly designed to inspire, a passing comment or a joke, the phrase is everywhere around us.
It's been another busy term in Maths, with 160 students partaking in the Intermediate Maths Challenge with great success: students achieved 45 Gold, 63 Silver and 22 Bronze awards, congratulations to all participants (see article below for more details).
27 students progressed on to the Kangaroo follow on round and they will receive their results after the Easter holiday.
Congratulations also to the TGS Team that won a Gold Medal in the National Cypher Challenge (see article below).
Sixth Form students continue to run a well-attended Maths Club for younger students. This term activities have included interesting puzzles and games and a mathematical treasure hunt.
In January, four of our top Mathematicians in Year 10 competed against many other schools in Kent at the Invicta Maths Challenge in Maidstone. They unfortunately didn’t progress to the next round but did exceptionally well considering they were competing against year 11s in all other schools.
 | 20 Mar 2024 We are delighted to announce that a Tonbridge Grammar School team were selected as one of the four Gold Medal winners of The National Cipher Challenge, run by the University of Southampton Mathematics Department. |
 | 27 Feb 2024 Congratulations to 160 students in Years 9-11 who recently took part in the Intermediate Maths Challenge. |
 | 11 Jan 2024 Congratulations to Vibha (Year 9) who started 2024 on a high by coming third nationally in the Key Stage 3 All England Grammar School Mathematician Of The Year Competition 2023. |
 | 10 Jan 2024 Congratulations to Sixth Form students who recently participated in UK Maths Trust challenges. | |
The IB Visual Arts Exhibition is a fantastic celebration of the work of our very talented Visual Arts students and is now open at Royal Victoria Place in Tunbridge Wells. Do pop by to view their work, details as follows:

 | 28 Jan 2024 Our thanks to Dr Stephen Law who held two Philosophy talks in the Mitchener Hall for Year 12 and 13 IB Philosophy students. |
 | 28 Jan 2024 Sixth Form Philosophy students travelled to Southampton University to attend lectures by three respected professors, which prompted fascinating and immersive discussions. | |
The beginning of the year is always a busy time in the Library. Term 3 passes very quickly and brings World Book Day fast on its heels.
During this period, the breadth of support available from the Library and our Librarian has been demonstrated through both the promotion of reading and World Book Day and also the research skills and Extended Essay support provided for Sixth Form students, including a trip to The London Library.
A group of students also enjoyed the recent annual Page Turners Book Award Gala Evening, see below.
14 Mar 2024 In celebration of World Book Day and the wonderful world of books, this week has seen the library transformed into an events space. Students and staff have been invited to hear two very different talks. Tuesday saw our Writer-in-Residence Dan Abnett talking about Comics and Graphic Novels... | 07 Mar 2024 On the last day of Term 3, as part of the Year 12 Extended Essay Day, 19 students visited the London Library. Students writing essays in English and History had an opportunity to visit and study at this remarkable London institution. |
 | 26 Mar 2024 Last week saw TGS students taking part in the annual Page Turners Book Award Gala Evening. Hosted by Weald of Kent School, this celebration of books and reading is enjoyed by hundreds of students from schools across the region. | |
Following on from the Aim High event and Careers Evening , Year 12 have been exploring future pathways with the support of the Sixth Form Team.
The new Year 12 Student Leadership Team (see below) have embraced their new roles and are positively impacting the school community through a wide variety of projects and initiatives.
Well done to Year 13 who have approached their mock examinations and preparation for their IB Diploma exams with great focus and maturity.
The now famous termly football game ended in a 1-1 draw.
You'll note from this newsletter that Sixth Form students have had many opportunities to take part in subject enrichment; from university visits to visiting speakers to competitions. The debating team has had a successful term.
 | 24 Jan 2024 We're delighted to introduce our new full Student Leadership Team, which comprises Subject Ambassadors, House Leaders, Sixth Form Ambassadors and Head Students. Congratulations to the Year 12 students on their new roles. | |
Creativity, Activity, Service
With their examinations in the not too distant future, the Year 13 IB students have been submitting their CAS portfolios and blogs for moderation.
The experiences and projects carried out are outstanding and these are reflected in their portfolios and diaries, which I have had the pleasure of viewing.
‘The CAS experience has taught me the importance of helping each other without the expectation of anything in return. I have learnt that to gain life experience we don’t always have to be taught lessons by our teachers – we can instead learn them if we choose to engage ourselves in real-life circumstances in which we lack knowledge in.’ Sian.
‘I believe that CAS has truly been a very enriching and enjoyable experience. It has not only given me work experience and talking points for university interviews and applications, but also the opportunity to meet new people and acquire hobbies that I would not otherwise have tried.’ Annabel.
May I take this opportunity to thank them for their time and kindness and wish them well for the forthcoming examination season.
Mrs Twinam, CAS and Internationalism Co-ordinator

Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) gives students real life experiences outside of the classroom and use skills to help others in the local and international communities. CAS is designed to be a break from academic studies that can be tailored to meet personal life choices.
We have excellent links with many outside organisations which allow unique enrichment opportunities. Here is a flavour of what’s has been going on.
30 students volunteered to help register the participants at the annual Hever Triathlon. The students arrived bright and early on a cold morning, all ready to welcome the participants.
Sally Ross, Fundraising Coordinator - Jigsaw Southeast said
‘Thank you for your time volunteering with Jigsaw (South East) at the Hever Castle Triathlon this weekend. You worked incredibly hard with great enthusiasm and commitment, helping to ensure the event ran smoothly and successfully and ensuring the participants had a positive experience.
By volunteering with us, you helped to raise £450 for Jigsaw (South East), which will be a huge support to the charity in the coming months as we continue our support to children and young people coping with the death of a loved one.
We are so grateful for your support and really value the time you have donated to support us here at Jigsaw (South East), thank you so much.
Our annual Food bank collection as part of Harvest. A team of 50 students made sure the message was shared with every student at TGS. There have been numerous visits to classrooms during form time, a whole week of assemblies including a quiz, promotion via our Teams channels and a whole school collection. One of the team members reflected,
'Through this experience I have come to understand just how important the Nourish Food Bank has been over the years, especially during Covid when people were furloughed and struggled to provide for their families, Nourish were able to provide them with food. By doing this project I have been able to get a wider understanding of how my contributions can help other people, as previously I have donated without fully understanding the importance. I have also seen the importance of advocating for Nourish on a local size and how this benefits our community, this knowledge has helped me to put into perspective the help needed globally'. Amelie.
We have returned to The Scotts project with a new team of students. Following an application and interview process, the new team have been signed up to an online BSL course where they will learn the signs required for a level one qualification. The sessions are always fun and interactive, this allows the service users to learn and practise their new skills.
A super busy month for volunteering and enrichment. At the beginning of the month our Sixth Form students helped out with the PTA Winter fayre, signing people in and running the Sumo Inflatable stall!
For Save the Children Christmas Jumper Day, the Sixth Form fully embraced the wearing of Christmas attire with a plethora of jumpers and hats, not forgetting one truly spectacular Christmas suit!
Then we moved onto planning a Disco for our Year 8 students. This has been a fundraiser event for Joshua Orphan and Community Care . The students were not shy in getting on the dance floor!
Half way through the month saw the writing letters and cards. The idea has been to share love and friendship at a busy time of year.
These cards have been passed on to local care homes and day care centres. This week, we took some cards to the Scott’s Project, a local resident and day care facility working with adults with profound learning and physical difficulties. There were lots of smiles and happy conversations as our students shared the experience with them.
Thank you to all the students who took the time to write such beautiful messages, poems and designed lovely pictures and cards.
To complete the festivities, a team of students travelled to Fountains Lodge to perform Christmas carols to the residents. It was a special event for all. It is proven that music is a powerful memory clue as it stimulates many regions in the brain. During the performance, we saw the service users signing along, dancing and for some shedding an emotional tear.
Happy New Year! Following on from the cards and letter sent to local care homes, we paid a visit with our History Club to Hyllden Heights where our students got the opportunity to interview the residents, compare their teenage years and learn from the wealth of experience
In preparation for the forthcoming ski trip for Year 8 students, some of our Year 12 students planned and delivered a Ski Fit Boot Camp. Exercise stations included: Mountain climbers, Wall Sit (1 minute), Step ups onto a bench, Squats, Bunny Hops and Spiderman Planks. It was just the preparation the Year 8 students needed for a fun week skiing.
The CAS Deadline for Yr. 13 landed at the start of the month. The students have worked extremely hard and produced beautiful portfolios, with final reflections on their experience, here is a snapshot, as follows:
‘One of the most evident things I have learnt about myself throughout this process, is how easily I was able to develop my ability to constructively convey my ideas, knowing that it was a necessity in ensuring the events I planned or took part in were successful and provided the best possible outcome or the most support for their intended audience. Similarly, I frequently struggle with my motivation, however, I learnt that this was not a problem when I was motivated by the knowledge that my actions were benefitting charities, younger year groups in school and many others. This allowed me to stay more consistent and committed with my engagement in these experiences.’ Holly.
‘Through the variety of experiences across my CAS, I have been able to reflect on my personal growth and develop my skills as an individual and as part of a wider community. I have been able to learn the significance of various life skills, from effective group collaboration to commitment and perseverance to helping a cause’. Alice.
‘My CAS experience has been instrumental to my IB Diploma allowing me to develop applicable skills to a multitude of subjects and everyday situations. Running clubs has taught me to adapt to different students wants and needs whilst being creative to design clubs and activities that are engaging and challenging for all, also further developing my planning skills. This enabled me to overcome my weakness of effectively managing my time highlighting the importance of planning to create successful activities.’ Florence.
‘When initially planning out the projects that I was going to take on as part of the CAS programme, I felt that it was going to be very difficult to stick to a plan and take on so many different activities at once. However, as I went along, I found that the programme was much more easy-going than I had first thought, and that having the overarching purpose of my CAS made me much more enthusiastic to take part in the various activities and enjoy helping others and myself along the way.’ Hattie.
Many thanks to the staff and outside providers who have supported the students with their clubs and fixtures.
May I take this opportunity to wish you all the very best of luck for the examination season,
Mrs Twinam, CAS and Internationalism Coordinator
 | 06 Feb 2024 Well done to Anoushka in Year 11 who organised a food bank collection for The Trussell Trust. | |
Our Year 7 and 8 students have enjoyed some fabulous Action! activities over the last two terms. Chocolate Making at Temper Temper in Southborough was very popular, the students thoroughly enjoyed creating their own chocolates every week. Some students have immersed themselves in learning how to crochet, producing some beautiful items of which they are ever so proud. It’s been lovely to see the flurry of activity in the DT rooms, with industrious students using the laser cutter, and creating some really individual clocks.
We are very thankful to our Sixth Formers who have generously given their time to run clubs, such as street dance, football and table tennis, it’s wonderful to see them teaching our younger students.
We look forward to the summer terms, where some activities such as Yoga can be moved outside as the weather brightens up.
 | 14 Mar 2024 Six students in years 9, 10 and 11 have been helping to trial a new Cookery Club format, by learning how to make some classic meals in the Food Technology Room. | |
Throughout the start to this year, there have been a range of events culminating in the celebration of this year’s Children’s Mental Health Week, which featured the theme ‘My Voice Matters’.
We began the new year with a wellbeing workshop for Year 7 parents, exploring practical ways to help communicate with their teenage children and described seven practical tips to help parents keep lines of communication open, whatever the teenager’s mood.
At the end of January TGS was part of the largest schools’ mental health TV broadcast hosted by DJ and mental health campaigner, Roman Kemp. He had teamed up with the charity Here4u and six other UK leading mental health charities to explore positive solutions to those facing mental health challenges.
Parents were invited to celebrate Parental Mental Health Day by joining a webinar hosted by the charity Stem4. This discussed ways in which to help relationships to flourish and learn ways to connect positively to maximise young people’s mental health.
Children’s Mental Health Week took place in February, we participated in the Young Minds Hello Yellow Charity fundraiser day and wore yellow to support mental health. Staff and students contributed to a gratitude wall, encouraging everyone to recognise positive aspects in our lives, our wonderful peer mentors led assemblies presenting an engaging PowerPoint on this year’s theme and discussing ways to reach out for help and support. Activities were also delivered throughout the week, with Kooth and The Charlie Waller Trust, on the topics of managing anxiety and self-care and perfectionism. We look forward to working with both charities again for our HSEE days and forthcoming Wellbeing evenings.
27 Feb 2024 Our thanks to the team from Collingwood Learning, with the project ‘Smashed’, who delivered a live performance and interactive workshop for Year 8 students. | 08 Feb 2024 Throughout January and February, there have been a range of events culminating in the celebration of this year’s Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week, which featured the theme ‘My Voice Matters’. The Wellbeing Team explain more: |
After a very exciting week of quizzes, it was Taylor who emerged as convincing winners of the annual House Quiz competition. They defeated Fayerman in the semi-finals by 370pts to 160pts and then, in the final, beat Carey in front of a packed Mitchener Hall audience by 470pts to 170pts.

International Women's Day
On the 8 March Tonbridge Grammar School marked International Women’s Day (IWD) in a variety of ways. Many in Years 9–12 were able to join online talks from Fatemeh Moussavi-Pourgharbi, Clinical Research Fellow at the Jenner Institute, University of Oxford and Hannah Preston-Jones, Senior Project Manager, Centre for Clinical Vaccinology and Tropical Medicine, University of Oxford. The sessions were part of the ‘TGS in Conversation’ series with the speakers giving very insightful and thoughtful answers to questions posed in advance by the students these included ‘How does it feel to be a woman in STEM, does it come with challenges but also benefits?' and 'Does ethics get in the way of your research?’ The speakers commented on how engaging and insightful the questions were.
Tilly and Lavnya in Year 12 put together an assembly for Years 7, 8 and 9 which explained the origins of IWD and highlighted some key women whom they found particularly inspiring such as Aretha Franklin, Patsy Mink and Anita Dongre. Over the next few weeks in form time, groups will be selecting one inspirational woman and completing a display for their door of their form room.
Since the beginning of the year, students across year groups have had the opportunity to learn outside of the classroom, including:
- Some Year 8 students took part in the Ski trip to Austria during February half term which offered team building activities to help with the students personal development.
- Some Year 10 History students visited a local care home to interview some of the residents plus 4 Year 10 students participated in the Invicta Maths Team Challenge at Invicta Grammar School.
- Year 11 GCSE Latin students visited the British Museum to develop their understanding of Roman life in Britain and Y11 GCSE Drama students visited the National Theatre to see ‘Dear Octopus’ to prepare them for expectations of GCSE Drama.
- GCSE and IB Music students enjoyed an educational visit to the Barbican Centre in London to watch a live performance of the London Symphony Orchestra.
- The annual Page Turners Gala Event took place at Kent College in March, hosting a number of our students and providing them with a real-life author experience.
- Sixth Form students have enjoyed various visits including Wakehurst Place for ESS students exploring conservation, Southampton University for enriching concepts of the IBDP Philosophy course, a London Library visit for students carrying out EE research, a visit to The Handmaid’s Tale Opera to encourage other ways of looking at a text and deepen their understanding and Physics in Action lectures in London to extend their knowledge in real world contexts.
Students from across all year groups have continued to enjoy numerous sporting activities, whilst debating teams and public speaking teams have travelled throughout the Southeast to take part in numerous competitions.
News stories can be read in the relevant sections of this newsletter.
 | 22 Feb 2024 Year 8 students enjoyed a fantastic, memorable and mostly sunny week skiing in the Austrian Alps during which four students celebrated their birthdays. Students skied every day with their skills developing day on day and were a pleasure to be with and a credit to their families and the sc... |
 | 24 Jan 2024 Seven Y10 and Y11 historians visited the Hyllden Heights Care Home near Tonbridge for a series of Q&A interviews with the residents. | |
Celebrating Student Success
Our students enjoy a wide range of activities, music and sport in their leisure time. We are incredibly proud to celebrate their success:
 | 14 Mar 2024 Her essay, which you can read below, explored what lessons we can learn from King Sejong’s leadership for our own lives and actions in society. | |
 | 12 Mar 2024 Congratulations to Tess (Y 11) who scored a hat trick in last Sunday's game in the Sussex County U18s Cup, which won her the match ball and a medal as well as the trophy for her team, Hayward's Heath Town. |
 | 08 Feb 2024 Congratulations to Evie (Year 7) and her team, the U12 Girls Tonbridge Juddians, who have finished the season as U12 Girls Kent Champions. |
 | 07 Feb 2024 Congratulations to Lakshita (Y11) who took part in J P Morgan's GenerationTech programme aimed at encouraging students to consider a career in technology. |
 | 06 Feb 2024 Congratulations to Molly (Y8) and Jess (Y9). They play for Tonbridge Juddians U14 Girls Rugby Team who were crowned Kent Champions on 4 February. |
 | 10 Jan 2024 Congratulations to Millie (Y8) who represented TGS at the NSEA (National Schools Equestrian Association) showjumping competition on 29 December at Duckhurst Farm. | |