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ChemSoc learns about combining human and machine intelligence to accelerate the discovery of advanced medicines

We were delighted to welcome alumna Becca Mighell (Class of 2016) back to TGS as one of the first speakers at the newly formed ChemSoc.

It was fascinating to hear Becca talk about her experience working for Lab Genius. She spoke about research being done by the company to accelerate the discovery of new antibody-based proteins that can treat cancerous tumours, applying AI and active learning. Lab Genius uses AI to predict characteristics of proteins and therefore optimise the chances of finding effective drugs. It was great to see how AI and chemistry can come together in such an innovative field.  

Hearing from a former TGS student was inspirational in seeing what we could be doing in 6/7 years’ time! Many thanks to both Mrs Blackstone and Mr McDaid for helping us arrange this, we are looking forward to welcoming further speakers at future ChemSoc meetings!  

Amber Year 12

Tagged  Sixth Form  Chemistry 